Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

how to make your neighbors life miserable

are you experiencing boredom or some sort of a not-so-enjoying day ?
or feeling like you need to do anything to make everything feel good and okay ?
if your neighbor always pisses you off i am going to give you tips on how to make their life miserable even just for the time of your boredom ( i suggest that you must not do this as a habit )

remember not  to get caught or else you are in big trouble. so lets do this .. i am very much excited

* throw stones at their roofs (make sure to use big rocks to irritate them more)
* make news about the father being gay or if they have a son it will be better to tell his father that he is gay
*wake up 5:00 in the morning and set your stereos in maximum volume and play rock and roll songs
* talk dirty as they eat, make sure that they can actually here you
* make your dog commit number 2 in front of the house, don't you ever dare to clean it up let them do the job.
* add MSG in their dog food.
* have a drinking session in front of their house at 12:00 midnight
* borrow some coin from your father go the nearest pay phone and call at their land line telling " i will kill you all"
* leave a gift box (make sure that it looks very nice) containing a dead cat or rat.
* call a pizza parlor and order as many as you can and give your neighbors address.
* knock on the door or if they have a doorbell ring it every 12:00 midnight
* get the electric bill of your neighbor for them not to be aware of how much they are going to pay.
* make a letter addressing them winning a 100000000 lottery jackpot

   i think this is enough to make your day and makes your neighbors life miserable at the same time.

  thank you for reading this blog and i hope you can actually apply it. ( don't make it as a habit though)

chow .. ^^

Martes, Agosto 16, 2011

how to cook an egg ( in a very unnatural and extreme way)

there's a lot topics given to us just for example: being a terrorist for one day, how to kill a cockroach etc. and I, for all people where given a topic, a very very very very very interesting topic on how to cook and EGG!!
yeah you hear it right, how to cook an egg. Man o man, ill try to somewhat do my best to express my personality and my extreme ideas that we can apply as we make one.

 alright, we know that this dish is one of the easiest one to cook ( i think i can cook one while my eyes are close)
so i am not going to teach you how to cook it in a normal way. lets make it as adventurous as possible alright ? lets go

  first, i recommend you not to wear a proper outfit as you cook. i suggest you to imitate one of your favorite character for example, i recommend you to imitate a samurai, yeah ! a samurai with sword and all ( or probably you can just use a knife at least 5 inch long) 

then prepare the primary things of course there's the egg, a frying pan and oil. after you gather the material go to the kitchen and prepare your self for a battle.

 as you enter the kitchen make sure you kneel and pray like a samurai before entering a fight, this time, a survival war against you and your hunger.

  lit up the fire and let the frying pan absorb the heat, if you think that it is hot enough pour the oil. ( you don't need to touch the frying pan in order to feel if it is hot already, your a samurai not incredible hulk remember)
then close your eyes and focus, yeah focus focus prepare as you withdraw your sword or your knife in its socket. ( where making a sunny side up egg) then throw the egg in the air then slash it ! in perfect timing, in perfect height,in perfect distance so that it will land directly into the frying pan.
 don't forget to sparkle salt on the egg to add flavor.
 fry it for about a minute or maybe less than a minute then transfer it on your plate and have your self a good meal.

always remember; a samurai never accept defeat so if you think that your cooking skills stinks ? HARAKIRI kill your self ( optional )

 i suggest you to video everything and send it to just for laughs or bubble gang. this video is worth watching i tell you . ^.^

so that's eat, a very exotic way of cooking an egg.

i hope you can actually do this at home, it is very rare and very manageable thing to do.
thank you for reading this blog and a bid you guys goodnight.

chow. ^,^

Linggo, Agosto 14, 2011


hi guys, thank you for dropping by.
by the way, since you have found your way here i hope that we can actually exchange ideas and comments about certain things and issues about almost everything, i am very open and very welcome to talk everything, anything that you guys want to talk about.

 I am a mass communication student of Adamson University, currently on my second year, and i am one of those who are very interested in writing. not because I'm good at it but because i just want to speak myself out.
 i love to talk, i love to communicate and i think i am going to love blogging. and hey i also like chuckie ( i am currently drinking one as i speak)
 it somehow energize me and sure it is a habit already, so you don't have to ask me why i came out with lol.
i am looking forward for conversations and comments that we will going to have as i continue blogging and it gives me chill thinking about it.

 so that's maybe it. i think i can express myself more as i continue to write for this site. 
i am really so excited about it.

chow ..

Biyernes, Agosto 12, 2011

in medias res ( in the middle of things)

 thank you for always being there.
 driving out thesmile for my not so happy day.
 lighting up the night as you do that familiar smile and your killer, swishing out the hair.

 how am i able to do the same?
 i cant make you smile like clowns used to do.
 i cant accompany you every sleepless night like your pillow can do for you.
 i cant swipe the tears because i am the one who cause you to.

 man, I'm hopeless but still glad because you have this limitless patience of holding me.
 your unconscious way of letting go of things that hurt.
 glad that behind every failure i commit, you are still there to give chance and avoid the option to omit.

 i must show you how i long for you.
 how i cant live if you gave my heart back to me again.
 i must show you how true this feelings are.
 to prove that im not a disappointment when it comes on loving you, at close even at far.

 just a chance.
 hold my hands as i hold yours.
 ill endure the static force that exist between your skin and mine and hopefully ...
 sustain the trust that is being strengthen by time.

 your face, your smiles, those winks and this cunning lines.
 the tissue paper, a pen, a picture of what could be the happiest end.
 a hanging moment, US that cannot be move, how opposite attracts and as i hold your hands as we dance to the story of chucks.

 thank you.

 this is my solemn vow to hold you forever.